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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

#13-14 Videos - Germany Patent Battles: Apple v. Samsung and Google v. Microsoft

Video 1: Google v. Microsoft over Google Maps infringement

Video 2: Apple v. Samsung gives another go in Germany


  1. It's interesting how other Android manufacturers have admitted to infringing upon Microsoft's patents, yet Google has not. I think that because of the precedents set by the other Android makers in the past, it will be tough for Google to defend themselves in court. Also, from my experience with living in Germany, Germans take their privacy protection (Datenschutz) very seriously so I'm sure that Microsoft and Google will have to reach an agreement soon.

  2. I wonder why Google decided tp hold their ground and not pay Microsoft the licensing fee, when so many other companies decided that they should. Also, since German law is more stringent when it comes to patent infringement, it is probably a hot spot for patent wars. It would be interesting to see a general comparison of the patent war in the U.S and Germany.

