Follow @smdiao Sandy Diao

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

#1 - Introductory Post - Patent Engineering Course

Greetings to citizens of Planet Earth:

As part of a patent engineering course I'm taking in the Ind. Eng department this semester, I've created this blog as a creative outlet to discuss some relevant topics covered in class.

Some goals I have in mind in taking this course include the following:

  • Improving my technical understanding of the discourses behind patent differences and similarities
  • Understand the business aspect of the patent process as well as its measurable benefits 
  • Stay up-to-date with patent litigation cases going on in the technology space by reading recent news and having the brainpower to take a position and argue for one side or the other
  • Practice my ability to assess news critically rather than have it feed into my brain as fact
Being the first course I've taken in the Ind. Eng department, I am slightly worried about being less technical than my fellow peers (already in the first day, my classmates were discussing the 'definitions' of mobile wireless systems, which I understand to a  good degree but that I lack the knowledge of terminology and jargon for). 

The goal for myself would be to bring in my business savvy to this environment and be able to fill in my weaknesses with the knowledge of my classmates. I look forward to sharing our writing and teaching each other tidbits of our strengths this coming semester.




  1. Don't worry about the technical terminology of this course, as we engineering students will also have to get used to the business/legal jargon. I study mechanical engineering and was just as confused as you were when the professor was talking about physical ranges of WiFi and 3G..

  2. You two aren't alone. I think regardless of background, IEOR classes and professors are good at accommodating academic diversity. Coming from a toxicology background- I know almost absolutely nothing about engineering. So don't sweat it!

