Follow @smdiao Sandy Diao

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

#2 - Introduction to Me

To sum up my life and interests in the shortest possible way, while revealing how I took the path that lead me en route to this course:

School: I'm a business administration major at the Haas School of Business undergraduate program, and I enjoy taking fun courses such as entrepreneurship, competitive strategy, and finance courses. With this background, I've developed an unquenchable interest in technology and dream of being a product manager at a high-tech company (in the space of Internet e-commerce or cloud SaaS) without the technical background. As part of my desire to gain a better understanding of technical matters, I am taking this course and am pursuing a side project with some fellow classmates to build out an application.

Activities: I have the honor and opportunity to serve as Berkeley Women in Business' president this school year, and I'm continuing my role this semester with new events for students on campus. (Quick plug: Visit our lovely website here.) As part of my interest in social impact, I'm one of the undergraduate student consultants part of the MBA-level Social Sector Solutions group, and I am partaking in the advising of a local nonprofit client in regards to business plan matters and implementation planning. My third big-scale activity is that I am a member of the Haas undergraduate case competition team to be competing internationally in Montreal, Canada this March. I am excited for all of these opportunities, and equally delighted to take my first course in the Industrial Engineering department.

Hobbies: I have a passion for art, and I'm a freelance graphic design artist as well as a hobby comic book artist. I'm not the most skillful per say, but I carry lots of love for the things I create and I have a bounty of ideas. Given that I was a self-taught artist, my craft stems from interest and hobby rather than for commercial or character-breeding purposes.

Weird facts: I used to be right-handed, but now I'm left-handed and I can't write with my right hand. I'm a new year's baby. I love to eat different cuisines, and in particular I like vegetable dishes. I am allergic to mushrooms, and I don't eat beef or pork.

Pleasure to meet you!


  1. You sound like you are going so far in life. I particularly like your involvement with various organizations to create and build value.

    I also want to ask a question: What do you mean by competitive strategy? I recently went through course lectures on game theory and I'm very interested in what you have to say about that.

  2. Haha, I am actually going everywhere but getting nowhere at all. It's tough to figure what is feasible to pursue as a career when trying to strike a balance between stability and passion.. and so far I have found no balance :p

    Competitive strategy is an amazing course taught by Professor Schultz in the UGBA department. It simply refers to the plans that companies put together in assessing their best move (and this contains both company-specific considerations as well as the application of general economics, trends, etc.) Game theory actually applies as well in considering your competitors' best response!

  3. I would have to concur with maamaablacksheep, definitely very impressive. Many of the students taking this class are either engineering or business, so I am interested in seeing how this dynamic strengthens the class as whole. Also very unique and cool that you want to work at a tech-company.

  4. Wow, I've never heard of anyone being right-handed then left-handed? Haha maybe I'll see you around Haas sometime though!

